If you've ever worked in an office, you know there's always that one person who's just a little too bossy. And maybe they're not even your boss! They're just the kind of person who likes to take charge and make sure everyone knows it. But what happens when these bossy people start to take over your organization? What if they start to micromanage and become glory hounds, taking all the credit for everything good that happens? Unfortunately, this is often the case with bosses or other senior leaders in organizations. And it can be a real cancer within the company, destroying morale and causing good employees to leave. So how do you deal with these bossy people? Here are some tips...
Bossy people and glory hounds are simply egomaniacs, narcists and control freaks masquerading as management. They have no conception that the organization in which they're working is a collective effort, with every cog needing to operate harmoniously for the greater good. In their minds, it's all about them and what recognition and praise they are receiving, not about how their team or the organization is functioning. In essence, these individuals are so wrapped up in themselves and their own success that the whole managing thing is purely secondary.
When sociopathic behavior is rampant in the office, it can lead to a number of issues. Liars and deception take center stage as far as workplace dynamics are concerned, which can result in some employees making decisions that are not in the best interest of the company or taking credit for other people's hard work. This type of behavior sadly tends to be rewarded while honest employees that honestly contribute are ignored so it is crucial that businesses are aware of such sociopathic activity when developing their cultures and choosing their leaders.
Bossy people and self-absorbed glory hounds aren’t just annoying; they drain the enthusiasm out of a team and create an atmosphere of fear. Creativity, curiosity and innovation all require a certain level of comfort in taking risks and learning from failure – something that these kinds of individuals utterly lack. You’ll often find them leaning on one another for soft praise, or simply talking over other people – much better at grandstand lectures than actually contributing anything to the task in hand. Rather than take their place among their peers, self-aggrandizing bosses and glory hounds draw attention away from the collaborative efforts needed to reach ambitious goals. Not only is it disruptive but it distracts staff from achieving their best without interference.
When you are dealing with bossy or glory hound behavior in the workplace, subtlety is not necessarily the name of the game. You need to take decisive steps to take control of any potential situation that arises from such behaviour. The best way to protect yourself is to take detailed notes and record conversations whenever possible. This will help you document occasions where someone is trying to take over a situation or take credit for somebody else's success. Be sure to take clear notes during each interaction, as they can go a long way in helping to diffuse matters during a disagreement or misunderstanding.
We've all encountered them: people that crave the spotlight, seek control and micromanage every last detail. Bossy types give unwanted advice and try to take credit where it's not due. While they may appear to act self-assured in their behavior at times, when given a closer look, it becomes obvious that these people have low self-esteem and are looking for attention or validation in any way they can get it. As such, if you're unfortunate enough to have one of these personalities as your manager or boss—you better high tail it out of the situation quickly! That said, if you're the business owner—remember: Some things require decisive action! Every moment spent parleying back and forth with egomaniacs is time wasted from growing your enterprise. So don't beat around the bush…terminate fast!
The problem with bossy people and glory hounds is that they are looking for recognition and often, don’t look out for the best interests of an organization. They can also create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation which, while not ideal, makes it easy to spot them in complex organizations. Fortunately, there are ways you can help mitigate their behavior should you need to do so. However, the best way to handle bossy people and hounds of fame is to - however harsh this sounds – get rid of them! Never tolerate bad behavior because one thing's for sure – a bossy person or a glory hound won’t make your business thrive. After all, those who bark loudest don't necessarily have the best solutions. And oh yes, it goes without saying that if you work for one...be sure to find another job soon!
Copyright Wesley Paterson 2023